Paymail client & server library for Golang. The server is used to register paymail routes, provide capabilities. The client is for making requests to other paymail servers.
Paymail client allows us to use methods normally associated with a paymail service without making any external requests, but rather calling the functions directly.
client, err = paymail.NewClient()
PaymailServiceProvider must be implemented in your application in order to be able to use the go paymail client. These methods fetch or save data to the database.
By registering paymail routes application is capable to handle requests which are neccessary to handle paymail transactions. Method to register routes:
// RegisterRoutes register all the available paymail routes to the http routerfunc (c *Configuration) RegisterRoutes(r *apirouter.Router) { c.registerPaymailRoutes(r)}
Routes which will be registered
Capabilities (serivce discovery)
[GET] /.well-known/bsvalias
{"bsvalias":"1.0",// Version of the bsvalias"capabilities": { // Raw list of the capabilities"2a40af698840":"https://localhost/v1/bsvalias/p2p-payment-destination/{alias}@{domain.tld}","5f1323cddf31":"https://localhost/v1/bsvalias/receive-transaction/{alias}@{domain.tld}","6745385c3fc0":false,"a9f510c16bde":"https://localhost/v1/bsvalias/verify-pubkey/{alias}@{domain.tld}/{pubkey}","f12f968c92d6":"https://localhost/v1/bsvalias/public-profile/{alias}@{domain.tld}","paymentDestination":"https://localhost/v1/bsvalias/address/{alias}@{domain.tld}","pki":"https://localhost/v1/bsvalias/id/{alias}@{domain.tld}" }}
PKI request (public key information)
[GET] /v1/bsvalias/id/:paymailAddress
{"bsvalias":"1.0",// Version of Paymail"handle":"",// The <alias>@<domain>.<tld>"pubkey":"0230c98412e89385f64e82e68e5b587c0e19bf42149261caca04ffa77fd915784e"// The related PubKey}
Verify PubKey request (public key verification to paymail address)
{"bsvalias":"1.0",// Version of the bsvalias"handle":"",// The <alias>@<domain>.<tld> "match": false, // If the match was successful or not
"pubkey":"03754f0bd1c17825e6c35449d49e97c5c15b94c33360782c1272337ea18dc0f131"// The related PubKey}
Payment Destination request (address resolution)
[POST] /v1/bsvalias/address/:paymailAddress
{ "address": "1GhzQq2zY2E1vB5z8QEMaF4z2JZLfLwY4K", // Legacy BSV address derived from the output script (custom for our Go package)
"output": "76a914ac4a730a520a7f26a343c30325c8b53e109cdc7e88ac", // hex-encoded Bitcoin script, which the sender MUST use during the construction of a payment transaction
"signature": "" // This is used if SenderValidation is enforced (signature of "output" value)
Public Profile request (returns Name & Avatar)
[GET] /v1/bsvalias/public-profile/:paymailAddress
{ "avatar": "", // A URL that returns a 180x180 image. It can accept an optional parameter `s` to return an image of width and height `s`. The image should be JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
"name":"test"// A string up to 100 characters long. (name or nickname)}
{"outputs": [ // A list of outputs {"address":"1NSTSMD448yok4y128CENUeGX5mTbFrK1H",// Hex encoded locking script"satoshis":1000,// Number of satoshis for that output"script":"76a914eb2b1be9b79baff275f44f556a0cade66582fc7f88ac"// Hex encoded locking script }],"reference": "90030d54ee6e6d35b4cb7c62fd25dad5" // A reference for the payment, created by the receiver of the transaction
{"note":"note",// Some human-readable note"txid":"7c0c7eb45f2f78e1d3bfcd19402fd2a7b3a0cf50971e8a835f54cd52282ed452"// The txid of the broadcasted tx}
BRFC (BSV Request-For-Comments) Specifications define functionality across the ecosystem. Every new feature have to have a documentation where themetadata are specified: title, author, version. BRFC ID is created from those values by applying double SHA256 hash to byte array created from string(this string is created from connected fields from metada - title, author and version), more informations here.
By calling [GET] /.well-known/bsvalias endpoint you get all available paymail capabilities which are preceded by BRFC ID. [Example response(#Routes-which-will-be-registered)
If you want to extend them you need to generate new BRFC ID, add new route and handle it as intended.