What it does today and what it will do as we continue development.
Available Now
Create Accounts, Sign Transactions, Check Balance
Send Transactions
Receive and Validate Inbound Transactions
Store Your Transactions and Corresponding Metadata
Confirm Presence of Your Transactions Within the BSV Blockchain
Admin Console
CLI, JavaScript, and Go clients for the Wallet API
Trusted Contact Creation with TOTP
Mobile Wallet App
Bidirectional One-Off and Recurring Payment Approvals
Payment Counterparty Validation
Token Support
As a user I want to sign-up/sign-in
As a user I want to receive BSV from a counterparty instantly
As a user I want to send BSV to a counterparty instantly
As an admin I want to inspect the transactions which my Wallet is storing
As a user I want to verify counterparties prior to initiating any payments.
As a user I want to know that any payments I make are privately linked to specific counterparties for a particular purpose.
As a user I want to be able to create payments whether they're inbound, outbound, recurring, or one-offs.
As a user I want to be able to control movement of funds into or out of my wallet.
As a user I want to be able to handle tokens whether fungible or not.
Last updated 4 days ago