RPC Methods

This page provides a comprehensive list of all JSON-RPC methods available in the BSV SV Node.


  • checkjournal: Checks the journal for inconsistencies.

  • getbestblockhash: Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest blockchain.

  • getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity ): Retrieves a block with the given block hash.

  • getblockbyheight height ( verbosity ): Retrieves a block at the given height.

  • getblockchaininfo: Provides information about the current state of the blockchain.

  • getblockcount: Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.

  • getblockhash height: Returns the hash of the block at a specified height.

  • getblockheader "hash" ( verbosity ): Retrieves the block header with the given hash.

  • getblockstats blockhash ( stats ): Provides statistical information about a block.

  • getblockstatsbyheight height ( stats ): Provides statistical information about a block at a given height.

  • getchaintips: Returns information about all known blockchain tips.

  • getchaintxstats ( nblocks blockhash ): Provides statistics about the total number of transactions in the chain.

  • getdifficulty: Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.

  • getmempoolancestors txid (verbose): Lists ancestor transactions in the mempool.

  • getmempooldescendants txid (verbose): Lists descendant transactions in the mempool.

  • getmempoolentry txid: Retrieves a specific transaction from the mempool.

  • getmempoolinfo: Returns information about the memory pool.

  • getmerkleproof "txid" ( blockhash ): Provides a Merkle proof for a transaction.

  • getmerkleproof2 "blockhash" "txid" ( includeFullTx targetType format ): Provides an extended Merkle proof for a transaction.

  • getrawmempool ( verbose ): Returns all transaction ids in the mempool.

  • getrawnonfinalmempool: Returns all non-final transaction ids in the mempool.

  • gettxout "txid" n ( include_mempool ): Retrieves information about an unspent transaction output.

  • gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( blockhash ): Provides a proof that a transaction is included in a block.

  • gettxouts txidVoutList returnFields ( include_mempool ): Retrieves information about multiple unspent transaction outputs.

  • gettxoutsetinfo: Returns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.

  • preciousblock "blockhash": Treats a block as if it were received before others with the same work.

  • pruneblockchain: Deletes blockchain data from disk.

  • rebuildjournal: Rebuilds the transaction journal.

  • verifychain ( checklevel nblocks ): Verifies the blockchain database.

  • verifymerkleproof "proof": Verifies a Merkle proof.

  • verifytxoutproof "proof": Verifies a transaction proof.


  • activezmqnotifications: Lists active ZMQ notifications.

  • dumpparameters: Dumps internal parameters to the log.

  • getinfo: Provides basic information about the node.

  • getmemoryinfo: Returns information about memory usage.

  • getsettings: Retrieves node settings.

  • help ( "command" ): Lists all commands or provides help for a specific command.

  • stop: Shuts down the node.

  • uptime: Returns the total uptime of the node.


  • addToConfiscationTxidWhitelist (txs): Adds transactions to the confiscation whitelist.

  • addToConsensusBlacklist (funds): Adds funds to the consensus blacklist.

  • addToPolicyBlacklist (funds): Adds funds to the policy blacklist.

  • clearBlacklists (removeAllEntries): Clears all blacklist entries.

  • clearConfiscationWhitelist: Clears the confiscation whitelist.

  • queryBlacklist: Queries the blacklist.

  • queryConfiscationTxidWhitelist (verbose): Queries the confiscation whitelist.

  • removeFromPolicyBlacklist (funds): Removes funds from the policy blacklist.


  • generate nblocks ( maxtries ): Generates a specified number of blocks immediately.

  • generatetoaddress nblocks address (maxtries): Generates blocks to a specified address.


  • createdatareftx "[scriptPubKey,...]": Creates a data reference transaction.

  • createminerinfotx "scriptPubKey": Creates a miner information transaction.

  • datarefindexdump: Dumps the data reference index.

  • datareftxndelete "txid": Deletes a data reference transaction.

  • dumpminerids: Dumps the miner IDs.

  • getdatareftxid: Retrieves the data reference transaction ID.

  • getmineridinfo "minerId": Retrieves information about a miner ID.

  • getminerinfotxfundingaddress: Retrieves the funding address for miner information transactions.

  • getminerinfotxid: Retrieves the miner information transaction ID.

  • makeminerinfotxsigningkey: Creates a signing key for miner information transactions.

  • rebuildminerids ( fullrebuild ): Rebuilds the miner IDs.

  • replaceminerinfotx "scriptPubKey": Replaces a miner information transaction.

  • revokeminerid "input": Revokes a miner ID.

  • setminerinfotxfundingoutpoint "txid" "n": Sets the funding outpoint for a miner information transaction.


  • getblocktemplate ( TemplateRequest ): Retrieves a block template for mining.

  • getminingcandidate coinbase (optional, default false): Retrieves a mining candidate.

  • getmininginfo: Provides information about the current state of mining.

  • getnetworkhashps ( nblocks height ): Returns the estimated network hashes per second.

  • prioritisetransaction <txid> <priority delta> <fee delta>: Prioritizes a transaction.

  • submitblock "hexdata" ( "jsonparametersobject" ): Submits a block to the network.

  • submitminingsolution "<json string>": Submits a mining solution.

  • verifyblockcandidate "hexdata" ( "jsonparametersobject" ): Verifies a block candidate.


  • addnode "node" "add|remove|onetry": Adds or removes a node from the list.

  • clearbanned: Clears all banned nodes.

  • disconnectnode "[address]" [nodeid]: Disconnects from a specified node.

  • getaddednodeinfo ( "node" ): Returns information about added nodes.

  • getauthconninfo: Retrieves authorized connection information.

  • getconnectioncount: Returns the number of connections to other nodes.

  • getexcessiveblock: Returns the current excessive block size.

  • getnettotals: Returns network traffic information.

  • getnetworkinfo: Provides information about the node's network state.

  • getpeerinfo: Returns information about connected peers.

  • listbanned: Lists all banned nodes.

  • ping: Requests that a ping is sent to all connected nodes.

  • setban "subnet" "add|remove" (bantime) (absolute): Adds or removes a node/subnet from the banned list.

  • setblockmaxsize blockSize: Sets the maximum block size.

  • setexcessiveblock blockSize: Sets the excessive block size.

  • setnetworkactive true|false: Enables or disables all network activity.

  • settxnpropagationfreq freq: Sets the transaction propagation frequency.


  • createrawtransaction [{"txid":"id","vout"},...] {"address","data":"hex",...} ( locktime ): Creates a raw transaction.

  • decoderawtransaction "hexstring": Decodes a raw transaction.

  • decodescript "hexstring": Decodes a script.

  • fundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options ): Adds inputs to a raw transaction.

  • getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbose ): Retrieves raw transaction data.

  • sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( allowhighfees dontcheckfee ): Sends a raw transaction.

  • sendrawtransactions [{"hex": "hexstring", "allowhighfees": true|false, "dontcheckfee": true|false, "listunconfirmedancestors": true|false, "config: " <json string> }, ...]: Sends multiple raw transactions.

  • signrawtransaction "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"id","vout","scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] ["privatekey1",...] sighashtype ): Signs a raw transaction.


  • getsafemodeinfo: Retrieves safemode information.

  • ignoresafemodeforblock "blockhash": Ignores safemode for a specific block.

  • reconsidersafemodeforblock "blockhash": Reconsiders safemode for a specific block.


  • clearinvalidtransactions: Clears invalid transactions from the memory pool.

  • createmultisig nrequired ["key",...]: Creates a multi-signature address.

  • signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message": Signs a message with a private key.

  • validateaddress "address": Validates a Bitcoin address.

  • verifymessage "address" "signature" "message": Verifies a signed message.

  • verifyscript <scripts> [<stopOnFirstInvalid> [<totalTimeout>]]: Verifies scripts.

Last updated

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