
Authenticate as admin

To authenticate within the SPV Wallet as an admin, you need to use admin HD key pair. At the SPV Wallet side the admin key pair is recognized by the admin xpub which need to be configured (see configuration docs).

When you have the admin xpriv, you can now create SPV Wallet Client for admin API:

import {SpvWalletClient} from "@bsv/spv-wallet-js-client";

async function main() {
    const adminClient = new SpvWalletClient("{{spv-wallet-url}}", {adminKey: "{{xpriv_of_the_admin}}"})
    // ...


Authentication using HD keys of a user

Register the user's xpub

Note that, to authenticate as a user, the user and their xPub must first be added by an admin to the SPV Wallet - in other words, the "user" must already exist.

To register a user, the admin needs to make the following request to the SPV Wallet:

import {SpvWalletClient} from "@bsv/spv-wallet-js-client";

async function main() {
    const adminClient = new SpvWalletClient("{{spv-wallet-url}}", {adminKey: "{{xpriv_of_the_admin}}"})

    const response = await adminClient.AdminNewXpub("{{xpub_of_the_user}}", {})
    // ...

Authenticate with user's xpub

To authenticate within the SPV Wallet as a user, simply create a new SPV Wallet client for the Users API.

import {SpvWalletClient} from "@bsv/spv-wallet-js-client";

async function main() {
    const userClient = new SpvWalletClient("{{spv-wallet-url}}", {xPriv: "{{xpriv_of_the_user}}"})
    // ...

Authentication using an Access key

Another way to authenticate as a user is via access keys.


To authenticate as a user with an access key, the user must first create the access key by making the following call:

import {SpvWalletClient} from "@bsv/spv-wallet-js-client";

async function main() {
    const userClient = new SpvWalletClient("{{spv-wallet-url}}", {xPriv: "{{xpriv_of_the_user}}"})

    const response = await userClient.CreateAccessKey({})
    // ...

In response, you can find the following important properties:

  • key - which is actually an additional private key and is not stored on the SPV Wallet side, so it is displayed to user only once and user is responsible for storing it

  • id - which actually can be used for checking the state of the access key (if it was revoked or when it was created) or revoking it.


To authenticate as user with access key, you need to create a new SPV Wallet Client for users API with the access key.

import {SpvWalletClient} from "@bsv/spv-wallet-js-client";

async function main() {
    const userClient = new SpvWalletClient("{{spv-wallet-url}}", {accessKey: "{{key}}"})
    // ...


Whenever a user fills that an access key is compromised, or it wouldn't be needed anymore, it is possible to revoke such access key, so it can't be used to authenticate.

To revoke an access key, user needs to make a following call:

import {SpvWalletClient} from "@bsv/spv-wallet-js-client";

async function main() {
    const userClient = new SpvWalletClient("{{spv-wallet-url}}", {xPriv: "{{xpriv_of_the_user}}"})

    const response = await userClient.RevokeAccessKey("{{id}}")
    // ...

Last updated

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