Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
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There are many available choices for asymmetric cryptography, such as RSA or DLP-based cryptosystems. However, ECC has an edge over others in that it requires a shorter length keys than other cryptosystems to provide a similar security level. For example, where RSA, DLP-based cryptosystems require a key of 1024-2048 bits, we will need a key length of only 160-256 bits for ECC. Being able to use shorter key lengths with ECC means we get shorter digital signatures.
For cryptography, an elliptic curve is a particular type of polynomial equation constructed over a finite field. Prime fields, denoted as (after the name of mathematician Galois), are the most popular choice of finite fields, where all arithmetic is performed over modulo prime .
The elliptic curve equation in a finite field is:
Special consideration to note:
, and are required to satisfy the condition
We consider an imaginary point of infinity (this is simply an identity element)
To visualise the above equation and understand a few operations, we must make use of coordinate geometry.
Note - plotting the above graph defined with does not give us a curve, but rather a set of discrete points instead.
Therefore to demonstrate some ideas in the following examples, we construct the graph over a set of real numbers which yields a complete curve.
We mentioned the identity element above, and now, below is a high-level overview of group operations.
To add points and , we do the following steps:
Draw a line joining and and extend it until it intersects the curve. This point of intersection will be the negative of the sum
Therefore the mirror image about the x-axis of the point of intersection on the curve gives us the value of
Special Case I - When , then what is , i.e., ?
The way to visualise this is to keep moving closer and closer to and observe that the line will become a tangent at point . Extend this line to intersect the curve. The mirror image about the x-axis is the value of , i.e., . This first special case is referred to as Point Doubling.
Special Case II - When in other words, is inverse of , is the identity element (imaginary point at infinity)
Special Case III - When , then is equal to the identity element
i. The rationale to perform addition ensures that the set of points on the elliptic curve, satisfies the necessary condition for a group.
ii. Generalizing above, in real-world applications, point addition is achieved by finding the slope of the line and solving the cubic equation.
Is considered as a mirror image of the point on the curve. Identity is already mentioned above.
Scalar Multiplication is defined as multiplying point with scalar is essentially 'adding a point to itself times.'
Scalar Multiplication is achieved by using Point Addition and Point Doubling. The algorithm used for Scalar Multiplication is included below; however, it is an optional topic. The algorithm is used for computing public keys in ECDSA
Scalar Multiplication makes use of the "square-and-multiply algorithm." The difference is square is replaced by Point Doubling and multiply by Point Addition.
Convert the scalar value into a binary representation. Start from (MSB - 1) position and iterate till LSB (MSB stands for "Most significant bit" and LSB stands for "Least significant bit").
If in the iteration a bit is 0, then perform Point Doubling; if the bit is 1, then perform Point Doubling and Point Addition. For MSB, we don't perform any operation and consider the value as-is.
Let's say we want to find a value of . First we need to convert decimal into binary representation: =
Scan the bits on MSB i.e., and go till LSB
Iteration 0: initial setting, bit processed: ---------------------------- Iteration 1a: point double, bit processed: Iteration 1b: no point addition, as ---------------------------- Iteration 2a: point double: Iteration 2b: point add, as --------------------------- Iteration 3a: point double: Iteration 3b: point add:
When we define the elliptic curve as above, under certain conditions the set of points and the identity element form a cyclic group. Firstly, the formation of a cyclic group implies the set must have a generator, i.e., an element in the set, such that its powers generate the entire group. Secondly, it leads to the next and last topic of pre-requisites.